On Friday, I saw the amazing Christy at HOB Salons, Camden, for a much-needed colour. I'd been wearing my caramel root stretch since February - how time flies when you love you hair colour - but it was time for a change. I really like the root stretch look (pre-stretch my hair definitely looked wig-like) but it was beginning to lighten up a bit too much on the lengths and ends.
Christy suggested we go for something a bit more autumnal and pulled out a Laura Ashley catalogue...yes, you read right. Apparently, HOB work with the same colour chart as Laura Ashley - you won't find a lime green accent pillow on a brown leather suite in their catalogue because it jars the eye, so you don't know what to look at. By picking tones from the same area on the colour wheel, it relaxes the eye, making it much more visually pleasing. I've been to many lovely salons before - perks of the job, eh - but I'm always amazed at the colour techniques at HOB...CASE IN POINT. With this in mind, Christy picked out a lovely deep wood sidetable and soft leather sofa to base my colour on.
Before - summery |
After - autumnal |
The root stretch has been taking down to the lengths of the hair, which enhances my layers, and the colour really works with my paler, winter complexion. I honestly cannot speak more highly of Christy, and the artistic team at HOB. She totally took on what I liked/didn't like about my 'before' hair and found something that was both on-trend and right for my eye colour and skintone. I wuv it! Sx
P.S Special shout out must go to stylist, Ryan, who gives THE best blow-dries! Book in with him or the colour squad now! www.hobsalons.com/0207 485 7272